Bob Hirst has almost 50 years of experience in water in a broad array of scenarios, including surface water, ground water, drinking water, and wastewater. He has worked for both regulatory agencies and private industry companies. Bob worked for IBWA for more than 23 years and retired in March 2022. Bob continues to work with IBWA in his new capacity as a consultant in a new company – Sonoran Drinking Water Advisors LLC, based in Arizona.
Tuesday, November 5
9:15 am – 10:15 am
Update on Microplastics Testing, Regulation, and Research (1 Technical CEU)
Session Description: This session will introduce the evolving topic of Nano and Microplastics. The webinar will explain what nano and microplastics are, provide nano and microplastic sources and occurrence, the latest regulatory outlook, and discuss possible sampling and analytical options.
Wednesday, November 6
4:00 pm – 5:15 pm
CPO Program: PTRM Update and Study Session (1.25 Technical CEUs)
Session Description: This session is your one stop for all things related to the updated IBWA Plant Technical Reference Manual (PTRM) and CPO Exam. First, attendees will learn what’s new about the new PTRM! Next, let’s have some fun while challenging one another and a “plant manager” or “quality manager” in a game show format. If you have ever attended an IBWA annual meeting, you know the drill…but attend anyway as this version of the game is updated with new material from the 2023 IBWA Plant Technical Reference Manual (PTRM). Come join the fun, and maybe even learn something new!