Dan serves as Executive Director of AMERIPEN – the American Institute for Packaging and the Environment – where he develops and champions positions for the U.S. packaging industry on issues related to packaging and the environment, using sound science and a philosophy of material inclusiveness. A well-known leader in the U.S. government affairs arena for more than 20 years, Dan has represented multinational corporations, various coalitions, and trade associations representing several Fortune 500 companies. He is particularly passionate about environmental, sustainability, and packaging issues and has advocated extensively in those areas at the local, state, and federal levels in the U.S.
Monday, November 4
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging has Arrived in the U.S. – Now What?
Session Description: Join AMERIPEN Executive Director Dan Felton for a fast-paced discussion about packaging EPR in the U.S. Learn what states have enacted laws and where they are in their implementation, if you might be a producer under these new laws and what your obligations are, and whether something can or should happen at the federal level as even more states are expected to pass their own laws.